From Overwhelmed to Overjoyed:

Simplify Your Lead Generation with

Lead Form Magic!

Uncover the Secret to Consistent, Quality Lead Flow using Facebook Lead Form Ads - Say Goodbye To The Constant Grind Of Content Marketing And Hello To Fresh New Daily Leads!

Here's The Fastest Way To A Torrent Of Quality Leads For Your Business

Creating and promoting content to generate leads is a tried-and-tested method... but let's face it - it's often an uphill battle.

You're investing countless hours crafting blog posts, social media updates, infographics, videos... the list goes on (and on, and on...)

Despite your best efforts, the leads trickle in slowly, if at all.

It's not just the time and energy drain. It's the frustration of seeing your hard work result in meagre rewards.

You're left feeling overwhelmed, watching your precious time get sucked into the content creation black hole while your lead list remains painfully stagnant - and business suffers as a result.

You find yourself questioning whether there's a better way - a smarter method of turning your investment into tangible, valuable leads.

A way to keep your email list growing consistently without the grind.

Well, I have good news. The solution you're searching for exists.

And it's called Lead Form Magic.

Once the timer above expires, your investment will revert to the regular price of £97.00 - so don't miss out on this incredible offer!

Introducing Lead Form Magic

Lead Form Magic is your key to unlocking the

hidden power of Facebook Ads.

This easy-to-consume course is specifically designed to help you leverage Facebook's Lead Form ads to create a reliable, robust engine for quality lead generation.

Here what's included:

  • In-depth Training Modules: Our step-by-step guides remove the mystery from Facebook Lead Form ads, helping you understand the nuts and bolts of creating ads that convert.

  • Effective Lead Generation Strategies: Learn proven tactics that attract and engage your ideal clients, turning clicks into valuable leads.

  • Time-saving Techniques: Discover how to automate your lead generation process, giving you back your time and reducing stress.

  • Community Support: You're not alone on this journey! You'll join a community of like-minded individuals, all seeking to grow their businesses with the power of Facebook Ads, where you can get your questions answered too.

And here's what that means for you...

  • Boost Your Efficiency: Stop spending hours creating content to generate leads, and focus on building relationships and serving your clients

  • Increase Your Lead Quality: Using the strategies inside Lead Form Magic, you'll attract more relevant and interested potential customers.

  • Improve Your ROI: Less time spent on content creation and higher quality leads mean a better return on your investment.

  • Reduce Overwhelm: By simplifying your lead generation process, you'll feel less stressed and more in control of your business growth.

  • Grow Your Business: Imagine the difference that a consistent stream of quality leads will mean for your business...

Sounds good, right... but why should you trust me when it comes to Facebook and Instagram ads?

I have personally worked with Facebook ads since 2013 and now run a highly successful, multi-six-figure agency that specialises in supporting coaches, consultants & course creators to get incredible results;

Whether it is growing their audience, launching their programs or setting up evergreen campaigns.

I've helped my agency clients achieve some pretty incredible results using my Facebook Ad strategies:


Our agency played a significant part in helping Lisa achieve her first multi-6-figure and subsequent 7-figure launches using Facebook & Instagram ads.


Working with Caroline we helped her to grow her already sizeable audience using Facebook & Instagram ads and then promote several of her programs, resulting in her first ever 6-figure launch.


"Having worked with several different agencies, including ex-Facebook employees, my lead cost was really high at $50 per lead!

Danny and his team worked tirelessly to get a good result and my cost per lead is now $7 - and everything in my business has changed as a result"

Once the timer above expires, your investment will revert to the regular price of £97.00 - so don't miss out on this incredible offer!

Sorry... who is Danny?



I'm a Digital Marketing Strategist who helps Coaches, Consultants & Course Creators to:

  • grow huge, engaged audiences

  • create more impact

  • generate a consistent flow of leads and sales, and

  • sell out their products and programs

  • grow huge, engaged audiences

  • create more impact

  • generate a consistent flow of leads and sales, and

  • sell out their products and programs

All done using clever stuff like digital marketing automation, specifically with Facebook & Instagram

ads & chatbots.

I own and run a highly successful Facebook & Instagram ads agency and have LOVED playing a strategic part in multiple 5, 6 and 7 figure launches for our clients!

And this all starts with one thing - consistent audience growth through automated lead generation.

What You'll Get When You Purchase

Lead Form Magic Today:

  • Complete access to Lead Form Magic: This comprehensive course takes you step-by-step through the process of creating high-converting Facebook lead form ads.

  • In-depth Training Modules: Detailed guides that will help you understand the ins and outs of Facebook lead forms.

  • Effective Lead Generation Strategies: Proven tactics that convert clicks into valuable leads.

  • Time-saving Techniques: Techniques that automate your lead generation, giving you back your time.

  • Community Support: Access to a community of like-minded individuals, all using Facebook Ads to grow their businesses, where you can network and get your questions answered.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with the course within the first 14 days, we will offer you a full refund.

Let's Automate Your Lead Generation Together...

Enough with the overwhelm, it's time to take control.

The power to transform your lead generation process from a constant grind to an automated system is just a click away.

Are you ready to embrace a consistent stream of quality leads with less effort?

Ready to reclaim your time and watch your business grow?

Then Lead Form Magic is for you!

Click the button below to gain instant access to Lead Form Magic and start transforming your lead generation today.

Once the timer on this page expires, your investment will revert to the regular price of £97.00 - so don't miss out on this incredible offer!

Remember, you're backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee - it's all reward, no risk.


The cost of this program is £9.00 and you will receive immediate access as a download - as soon as you place your order you will receive an email with your access details.

At this price, this might seem like a "too good to be true offer" and that there is some kind of catch.

There isn't.

I just hope you get a ton of value from using this training, and that this is the start of a beautiful relationship that will last for years to come.


Please understand that results are not typical.

I am not claiming that you will achieve the results that are shown on this page.

I have the benefit of having worked with Facebook's advertising platform for 10+ years.

The average person who buys information products and training gets little or no results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors, not limited to your background, experience and work ethic.

I don't believe in get rick quick schemes. All business entails risk and success requires massive and consistent action.

If you aren't willing to accept this then please do not purchase this program!